OOOO? -- 相川七瀨 OOOO? -- Aikawa Nanase 並不是看慣了的大街上有什麼正在墮落著 I'm not used to the falling objects on the street 也不是擁有了你的吻就抓得住明天 also it's not true that having your kiss can hold tomorrow 雖然有滿腹的慾望卻不了解真正想要什麼 although full of desire, I don't really know what I really want 天就要亮了而腦袋的最深處卻是冷冰冰的 sun is setting, but the deepest part of the brain is cold as ice Ah Ah Ah Ah 如果用身體的反應來取代口頭上的愛會更好 it's better to substitute spoken love with body reactions Ah Ah Ah Ah 所以啊如果溫柔如果少了投入就毫無意義了 so it becomes meaningless to participate if there is less tenderness 又這樣無所是事的過了一天 without doing anything, another day is gone 難道就要這樣年復年虛擲青春嗎 do I need to waste my time like that? 那未免太悲哀了吧 isn't it too sad? 床上只有我和你會不會太過寒酸 it's not too ugly to have only me and you on the bed 充滿慾望的週末近年也顯得有些無聊 weekend full of desire become nonsense nowadays 有時也想你用光輝的眼睛告訴我你的夢想 sometimes I want you to use your bright eye to tell me your dream 昨天我所追問的 看吧 逐漸清晰過去 what I asked yesterday, look, becomes clearer and clearer Ah Ah Ah Ah 如果愛情能超越肉體直達心靈會更好 it's better if love can go through physical body to the soul Ah Ah Ah Ah 想投入比紅色更炙熱的愛火中粉身碎骨 want to dive into love fire which is hotter than red, and dies 脫下來丟在一邊的襯衫像個心臟的模樣 that shirt taken off looks like a heart 呼呼大睡的你的臉上 your sleeping face 是不是早已無心? is the heart gone already? Ah Ah Ah Ah 如果用身體的反應來取代口頭上的愛會更好 it's better to substitute spoken love with body reactions Ah Ah Ah Ah 所以啊如果溫柔如果少了投入就毫無意義了 so it becomes meaningless to participate if there is less tenderness Ah Ah Ah Ah 如果愛情能超越肉體直達心靈會更好 it's better if love can go through physical body to the soul Ah Ah Ah Ah 想投入比紅色更炙熱的愛火中粉身碎骨 want to dive into love fire which is hotter than red, and dies 又這樣無所是事的過了一天 without doing anything, another day is gone 難道就要這樣年復年虛擲青春嗎 do I need to waste my time like that? 那未免太悲哀了吧 isn't it too sad?