像天使般起舞 -- 相川七瀨 dance like an andel -- Aikawa Nanase 說再見如此自然 身輕如燕 saying goodbye naturally like this, body as light as a swallow 唇間上的PURPLE的口紅 lips covered with purple lipstick 一旦如遭沾污了的巧手藝品 沉入黑夜中黯淡無光 if like a dirty masterpiece, not shining inside darkness 就連嘆息也 啊 混在吵雜聲中消失 even sighing is, sigh, disappeared in the noise ...今晚 像天使般起舞 ...tonight, dance like an angel 如此認真的心跳聲 雖是頭一次 serious heartbeat like this, although it's the first time 難纏的女孩? 已經聽厭了 torublesome girl? heard enough about this 太多花言巧語 可以了吧 too much lies, is that ok? 現在的策略 快樂的話是不是比較好 the strategy now, isn't that better to be happy ...今晚 像天使般起舞 ...tonight, dance like an angel ...到底是什麼 ...不夠啊 ...what is that actually ...not enough ...到底 ...在找些什麼 尋找剎那的光輝 ...actually ...seraching for what ...seraching for the instant brightness 這個夜晚多想飲醉的 只有我獨自一人 tonight I really want to be drunk, with myself only 是為了討好的話 回去吧 if you just want to make me appreciate you, go back 激烈的聲響 身體奔跑著 violent sound, body running high的時候 我只想 when I'm high, I only want ...今晚 像天使般起舞 ...tonight, dance like an angel ...是什麼 ...雙手探索著 ...what is that ...seraching with my hands ...是什麼 ...找尋著 ...what is that ...seraching 發了瘋似的 渴望自由 委身在炫眼耀麗中 ...like crazy, lokking for freedom, inside the brightness 這個夜晚多想飲醉的 只有我獨自一人 tonight I really want to be drunk, with myself only 是為了討好的話 回去吧 if you just want to make me appreciate you, go back 在星空下飛舞 好想像天使般起舞 dance under the sky with stars, want to dance like an angel