Bitch -- 相川七瀨 Bitch -- Aikawa Nanase 最近感覺 大家看我的眼神很不同 recently I feel people look at me differently 直到那女孩給了我忠告 until that girl adviced me 真不敢相信 I canoot believe 你居然有的沒的 without consider whether it's true or not 到處亂說話 you talk about me everywhere 從沒想過你竟是這樣的男人 I didn't think you are that kind of man 原本我只想記取美好的回憶 originally I only want the sweet memories 你的賣點難道不是你的男子氣概? 怎地現在竟如此的婆婆媽媽isn't your selling point mandom? why you becomes so girlly now 本想保存下來的 映著我倆笑容的Photo stand originally I want to keep, the photo stand with a photo of our smiling faces 若是就這麼丟進垃圾桶 感覺未免有些可悲 it's sad just to throw it into the rubbish bin 或許它畢竟還是不值得? or maybe it is really worthless? 當時不是還拼命打起了面子 彼此握手 that time, didn't we pretend to be feeling good, shaking out hands 我們分手不是算分得挻漂亮的嗎? didn't we break up in a nice way? 傳聞似乎傳得 the rumours 相當可怕 seem to be really bad 有關我的壞話 those bad words about me 沒想到你竟是這樣的男人 算我看走了眼 I didn't think you are that kind of man, it's my fault 事到如今 何苦為了那無聊的自尊 沾污了彼此的回憶 now, why you mess up our memories for the sake of the meaningless self esteem 我的眼裡一直都只有你 你明明知道 my eyes can always only see you, you knew it 留著的那枚我倆一起買的便宜戒指 I kept the cheap ring we bought together 這下斷然把它丟我出窗外 只希望 I throw it away through the windows, I only hope 能盡快將你忘掉 to forget you as soon as possible 真不敢相信 I cannot believe 居然說那些有的沒的 you spread those rumours 拜託你饒了我吧 please let me go 從沒想過你竟是這樣的男人 I didn't think you are that kind of man 原本我只想記取美好的回憶 originally I only want the sweet memories 你的賣點難道不是你的男子氣概? 怎地現在竟如此的婆婆媽媽isn't your selling point mandom? why you becomes so girlly now 本想保存下來的 映著我倆笑容的Photo stand originally I want to keep, the photo stand with a photo of our smiling faces 若是就這麼丟進垃圾桶 感覺未免有些可悲 it's sad just to throw it into the rubbish bin 或許它畢竟還是不值得? or maybe it is really worthless? Don't call me a bitch! Don't call me a bitch!