CAT on the Street -- 相川七瀨 CAT on the Street -- Aikawa Nanase 飛躍灰矇矇的大街 眼眸裡閃爍著光芒 flying over the grey street, brightness shining from my eyes 每個人都免不了失去些什麼 不要輕易向別人低頭 everyone has to lose something, don't give up to others easily 在別人發現我的膽怯之前 且先高舉著我的PRIDE before people can discover my cowardness, I hold my pride high 憑著我敏捷的動作 還有自做的橡膠鞋底 using my quick moves, and self-made rubber shoes 翻過的屋頂在暗夜裡 飛舞 flying over the roof, dancing in the night I'm a cat in the city 橫切過明月 I'm a cat in the city, cutting through the moon I'm a cat on the street 穿越過一切 I'm a cat on the street, going through everything I'm a cat in the city 無聲無息地 I'm a cat in the city, without making any noise I'm a cat on the street 用蠻不在乎的真心穿越過一切 I'm a cat on the street, going through everything with my carefree heart 夢裡的ROMANCE冒險 如今也甘於被人家養 the romance adventure inside dream, I'm under somebody's roof now 遠處有警曲聲 街上的塗鴉像遊行隊体一樣 police siren is far away, the graffitti on the street is like marching 彷彿捨不得這憧憬消失似的 現在要反彈速度舞向黑夜 like missing the fading hope, rebounding to the black night I'm a cat in the city 越是被人提起 I'm a cat in the city, the more people mention it I'm a cat on the street 越是放不開 I'm a cat on the street, the more I cannot let it go I'm a cat in the city 從甜蜜的陷井 I'm a cat in the city, from the sweet trap I'm a cat on the street 用蠻不在乎的真心逃離這一無是處的夜 I'm a cat on the street, escape the meaningless night with the carefree but true heart