[ Links | ICQ List ]

official sites
Nanase Web Site (avex) - with some special sections.
Nanase Aikawa Official Web Site - the newest official web.

japanese sites
Tomokazu's home - with lyrics, midi and photos.
Nanase Network Project - gather Nanase fans pages.
Nanachan Fan Club - with updated news. - with magazine info, discography and more.
Aikawa Nanase Note - nice neat page.
fragile - with movies download.
ANfanz Online - another unofficial fan club.
Nanase Aikawa Perfect World - with mobile phone melodies.

english sites
Cyber Risky - The unoffical online fan club.
Aikawa Nanase WebRing - managed by Cu-Copper (^o^).
BREAK OUT! - Stanley's (CR's general committe) first page. Keep it up Stan!
Nanase Area - with great photos, but haven't updated for long.
suika Aikawa Nanase page - a good looking page.
Annie's Nanase Aikawa Page - a good first page by Koala Girl.
Tony's Aikawa Nanase page - with CM movies and lyrics.
Chun's Homepage - with icq list and song vote.
Aikawa Nanase's Live - a really cool page by Eric.

chinese sites
¤C¤§¹Ú - a cool page by zad.
TNFC - Taiwan Nanase Fan Club.
Scorpio's Nanase Page - by Taiwanese Scorpio. With BBS.
Rock World Of Aikawa Nanase - with a detailed biography.