Love merry-go-round -- 相川七瀨 Love merry-go-round -- Aikawa Nanase 若在黑暗中相擁 CONCRETE的牆壁是冰冷的 if we hug in the dark, the concrete wall is cold 那呼吸吐落在日曬的痕跡上 that breath falls on the scar burnt by the sun 愛悄悄地對濡濕的頭髮輕嘆 love quitely sighing at the wet hair 你的高聲呼喊 震撼全身 your loud scream, shocking my whole body 狂亂 若漂蕩在一剎那的宇宙間 wild and crazy, if flying through the instant universe 永遠的夜 比誰都更能感受 forever night, feeling it more than anybody else 存在的當下 the existing now Shalala...Shalala... 像融合般地深入 Shalala...Shalala..., like merging together Shalala... 自作自受的Dance'跳舞吧 Shalala..., your own dance, let's dance Shalala...Shalala... 隨野性更加恣意 Shalala...Shalala..., more and more wild Shalala...Shalala... Love merry-go-round Shalala...Shalala..., Love merry-go-round 深深熱愛著 搖晃著往下墜 loving deeply, shaking and falling down 不要迷失 不離開這雙手 don't get lost, don't leave this hands 感受到刺痛般的情熱 feeling the painful love passion 電路控制己毀壞 circuit breaker is broken 心跳速度加快 heartbeat is faster and faster Shalala...Shalala... 藉著像媚藥般的Kiss Shalala...Shalala..., by that kiss like love poison Shalala... 交疊著孤獨Dance'跳舞吧 Shalala..., crossing lonely dance, let's dance Shalala...Shalala... 棄權的事再也不做 Shalala...Shalala..., don't be a loser Shalala...Shalala... Love merry-go-round Shalala...Shalala..., Love merry-go-round