Motor Girl -- 相川七瀨 Motor Girl -- Aikawa Nanase 曾以為無論怎樣的夢想都會實現 I thought any dreams could come true 曾以為自己無論做甚麼都不行 I thought I couldn't do anything I just wanna say "I don't wanna be alone" I just wanna say "I don't wanna be alone" 這樣不是真正的我 This is not the real me Ah!Ah!Ah!Ah! Ah!Ah!Ah!Ah! I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl ...... motor Girl ...... motor Girl 為了有如少女漫畫裡的愛情而心跳不已的少女純情 for the sake of comic-book-like love, this innocence of a girl 收入 外表 將來好不好看 etc.這才是現實 income, apperance, whether look good or not in the future, etc. these are reality I just wanna say "I just wanna be your love" I just wanna say "I just wanna be your love" 總覺得好像哪裡不太夠 always feel like something not enough Ah!Ah!Ah!Ah! Ah!Ah!Ah!Ah! 一但定下來就感覺只有滿腔熱情的當時是耀眼的 once settled down, I feel that only that passion is shinning 一但累了就感覺生命只有平靜才值得找尋 once tired, I feel only a quiet life is worthy of seraching for 直到燃燒殆盡 I just wanna be your love until burnt to ashes, I just wanna be your love 在我心中的南北極總是在團團轉個不停 the north and south poles in my heart, always switching endlessly Ah!Ah!Ah!Ah! Ah!Ah!Ah!Ah! I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl I'm motor Girl ...... motor Girl ...... motor Girl