Sweet Emotion -- 相川七瀨 Sweet Emotion -- Aikawa Nanase 光著腳跳舞 Volume開到最大 dance without shows, volume is turned to maximum 大口地塞著爆米花 這樣就能玩到天亮嗎? eating pop corns, can I be like that till daytime? 不眠的城市是顆耀眼的鑽石 sleepless city is a shiny diamond 你慵懶地打了個呵欠 you sneeze lazily 那種舉動 是不是在hoo-hoo-hoo在試探呢?Hey Hey Hey that kind of action, is that hoo-hoo-hoo trying? Hey Hey Hey Sweet Emotion Sweet Emotion 為灼熱的戀情舉杯慶祝 celebrate for the burning love 今晚二人不管多遠都去吧 tonight, we two will goto anywhere, even far away 希望火辣辣地吻至黎明的到來 want to kiss until daytime 為灼熱的戀情肌膚相親 we touch each other for that burning love 任性的心試著交疊在一起 stubborn hearts, trying to crossover each other 用無心的溫柔傷害著 hurting with unintentional tenderness 甜蜜得無法忘懷 Sweet Emotion so sweet to forget, Sweet Emotion 在沙發裡搖晃著 危險萬分的tenderness shaking on the sofa, dangerous tenderness 交錯的視線裡 混著些許的雜訊 croosing eyesight, with some interferences 不要遲疑喲 感覺是很微妙的 don't hesitate, feeling is delicated 蠢蠢欲動 那邊似乎不錯 seem willing to start moving, that seems to be good over there 摘下那個介指 hoo-hoo-hoo 甚麼也 Hey Hey Hey putting off that ring hoo-hoo-hoo anything Hey Hey Hey Sweet Emotion Sweet Emotion 擁抱著灼熱的夜晚 holding the burning night 赤裸的心交疊一起的話 if naked hearts cross over 為了你奇蹟也會發生 miracle will happen because of you 給你一個不醒的夢 give you a dream that will never wake up 擁抱著灼熱的夜晚 holding the burning night 邪惡的故事試著交疊在一起 trying to cross devil stories together 現在心如所願 now it goes as I want 甜蜜危險的 Sweet Emotion sweet and dangerous, Sweet Emotion Sweet Emotion Sweet Emotion Sweet Emotion Sweet Emotion 為灼熱的戀情舉杯慶祝 celebrate for the burning love 今晚二人不管多遠都去吧 tonight, we two will goto anywhere, even far away 希望火辣辣地吻至黎明的到來 want to kiss until daytime 為灼熱的戀情tuner一番 tune for the burning love 試著沉溺在散漫的節拍裡 try to immerse in that lazy pattern 勉強的在界限裡飄盪的話 if you try to wander among the borders 也讓人眼花瞭亂 Sweet Emotion it makes people dizzy, Sweet Emotion