Sweet Kiss -- 相川七瀨 Sweet Kiss -- Aikawa Nanase 在我身後耳語 今晚兩人 whispering behind me, tonight we two 靜靜守候著彎彎的月兒 waiting quitely for the curling moon 將忐忑的思念付與蒼白的風中 attach my miss to the white wind 慢慢地將眼睛閉上 closing my eyes slowly Sweet Kiss 像星光般灑落 Sweet Kiss, falling like star light 將無可替代的光芒鑲滿 filling the non-replacable brightness Sweet Kiss 為何胸中感到悲傷 Sweet Kiss, why I feel sadness now 即使還是要渡過許多個夜晚 although I still have to go through so many nights 淘氣的少年 令人心痛的燦爛笑臉 naughty boy, the smiling face which hurts other's heart 連謊言也能允許 even lies are allowed 在衣服的肩頭上偷偷窺視密切的期待 watching secretly, waiting seriously 夜裡一起去夜泳吧 let's goto swim during the night Sweet Kiss 像羽翼般降落 Sweet Kiss, falling like wings 確切地融合 慢慢甜蜜的溶化 merging accurately, melting slowly and sweetly Sweet Kiss 往後也請你些許擁抱 Sweet Kiss, please continue to hold me a little bit later 即使到了早晨也能帶著信心出發 even in the morning , I can go with confidence 即使到了早晨也能帶著信心出發 even in the morning , I can go with confidence