Two of us -- 相川七瀨 Two of us -- Aikawa Nanase 鑽入襯衫的袖口 初夏的風 starting summer's wind, going through my shirt's sleeves 弄亂及肩的短髮 blowing my short hair 今年也仰望在夜空綻放的煙火 this year, I watch the fireworks too 和在旁笑著的你共度美好時光 share this beautiful moemnt with you who is smiling and besides me 經過多少個季節 共同受得傷害 after so many seasons, hurting each other 那久遠的眼淚 已深深的保留在心中的相簿裡 that tears long time ago, are kept inside the photo album of my heart 在那小小的房間裡 二人總是天馬行空地 inside that small room, we two use our fantasies 描繪無限的夢想 draw endless dreams 相見和別離之中 緊握的手 between meet and leave, holding hands 感受到的溫暖 一直相信不疑 the warmth I feel, always believe without a doubt 夏天的記憶 那般的笑容 都深深的保留在心中的ALBUM裡 summer memories, that smile, all kept inside the album of my heart We'll be together forever We'll be together forever Just the two of us... Just the two of us